
New Administrative Coordinator Has Been Hired

Cindy Roper has agreed to assume the Administrative Coordinator position for the NPSNM starting June 1, 2011. Her qualifications are outstanding and we feel very lucky to have her join us. She will be at the Annual Meeting in Santa Fe and we hope you’ll make a point to welcome her. She has already set up the first NPSNM email account at nativeplantsNM@gmail.com. Below is her greeting to us all:

Howdy from the foothills of the Ortiz Mountains!

I am happy to join the New Mexico NPS as your new Administrative Coordinator. With a variety of work environments under my belt, I hope to be able to handle whatever the organization needs from me. My experiences include everything from small business ownership to 911 operator to air traffic controller to website designer. My forte is organization, which will come in handy while getting this growing group under control.

I’ve been in New Mexico since 1994, and have lived all over the state. Since arriving in NM I’ve become very active in coordinating wildlife educational events. I’m still doing that today, focusing on coyotes and snakes. I have a passion for native fauna, but not much knowledge of native flora. I hope to learn a lot as we go along. All new knowledge is good knowledge, right?!

I also have a passion for companion animals, especially dogs! I can’t imagine my life without them. I share my quiet life with 2 dogs, a goat and my horse.

Please bear with me as I learn the ropes. I look forward to meeting each of you over the coming years.

Cindy Roper
Cerrillos, NM