
What are Siberian Elms doing in NM?

On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 6:30 pm, the Santa Fe Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico will present a free talk by Ben Wright, entitled, “What are Siberian Elms Doing in New Mexico?”

Ben Wright is an ISA certified arborist working in Taos, New Mexico. He serves as chair of the Taos Tree Board and sits on the NM Urban Forest Council. He studied conservation biology at UNM and is currently a Masters of Natural Resources candidate at Oregon State University focusing on urban forestry. His masters
capstone project is focused on Eiberian Elm trees in New Mexico.  Much of his studies and interests are focused on exploring and integrating the dynamic relationship between natural communities and communities of people.
The meeting will be held at Christ Lutheran Church, @ 1701 Arroyo Chamiso which is located in the triangle of Old Pecos Trail, St Michael’s Drive and Arroyo Chamiso. It is directly across the street from Fire Station #4. Meetings and talks are free and open to all. For more information emailtom@thomasantonio.org or call 505-690-5105