“Managing the River to Failure — Is There A Better Way?”

MRGWA Water Conference from 9-3 on 10/22/16 @ UNM

Please participate in the Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly’s annual conference entitled “Managing the river to failure — Is there a better way?”, tobe held on October 22, 2016 from 9 am to 3 pm in Room 125 at Dane Smith Hall on the UNM Campus.  Come at 8:30 for the continental breakfast and networking.  As usual, the day includes a buffet lunch. A donation of $20 is requested to defray expenses.  Parking in “C” Lots is free on Saturdays.
Anyone who would like to gain a better understanding of the water-related issues we face and to participate in finding solutions is encouraged to attend.
As you know, the Water Assembly annually provides straight talk about water issues in the Middle Rio Grande.  October’s gathering is aimed at presenting issues that aren’t often presented, leaving them obscure or totally hidden from the general public.  Without warning, we then risk being hit with sudden unpleasant or expensive surprises. 
The first half of the program will include major water management constraints, impending trigger events, and classic large system failures, including planning and decision-making failures, inadequate or ignored rules, and poor accounting or ignored physical reality.  Following a keynote address by Norm Gaume, a former director of the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, on “A Shakeup Is Needed in the Water Management World!”, and a panel of experts presenting ideas as to how we might resolve/mitigate/alleviate some of the problems, participants will engage in an extended discussion of strategies to move forward. 
Grass-roots based, the Assembly has always sought public participation in a variety of ways as well as sound scientific analysis. The Assembly’s purpose is to assure effective implementation of the Middle Rio Grande Regional Water Plan through an open, inclusive, and participatory process so as to achieve the common interests of the people and stakeholders of the region for a sustainable water future that balances water use with renewable supply in accordance with the stated goals of the Plan. 
The annual event is also the place where participants are invited to join the Assembly, electing representatives of different interests to the Board. 
Further information about the conference, the Assembly and the water plan is available at WaterAssembly.org.
In an effort to reach as many interested folks as possible, I am asking that you please post the attached flyer and send it to others who might be interested.  
Look forward to seeing you on the 22nd! 
Elaine Hebard
Vice President                                                                                                                                   
Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly                                                                                                
(505) 247-8767                                                                                                                                  
The Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that was established in 1997 to provide broad-based independent advice for water planning in the region.  The Water Assembly was the prime participant in organizing and conducting the open and inclusive public process that led to the Middle Rio Grande’s 2004 Regional Water Plan, and implementation efforts since.