Friday, May  27th Field trip: White Sands Missile Range

We will visit various locations out in the range, possibly including the Eugene Manlove Rhodes gravesite and the residence pools of the white sands pupfish. This trip is subject to change depending on access to the missile range at the time. Anyone who is not on the Otero Chapter eMail list, let Elva (echoofthedesert “at” gmail “dot” com; 575-443-4408) know, and we will put you on the list for updated information about this event.

2022-05-27 00:00 2022-05-27 23:55 America/Denver Friday, May  27th Field trip: White Sands Missile Range

We will visit various locations out in the range, possibly including the Eugene Manlove Rhodes gravesite and the residence pools of the white sands pupfish. This trip is subject to change depending on access to the missile range at the time. Anyone who is not on the Otero Chapter eMail list, let Elva (echoofthedesert “at” […]