Removing Invasive Plants from our Open Space. Invasive Plant Patrol is a City of Albuquerque Open Space volunteer program, created with the intent to establish a community of volunteers that works to actively restore sites by removing invasive plants. The program provides opportunities for the public to participate in ecological restoration. Trained volunteers control and contain the spread of invasive, non-native plant species in our much-loved Open Spaces. Participants learn how to properly identify and manage specific species using best practices so that native flora can thrive, supporting the ecological health of the environment. Colleen Langan McRoberts is Open Space Superintendant in Albuquerque.
Removing Invasive Plants from our Open Space. Invasive Plant Patrol is a City of Albuquerque Open Space volunteer program, created with the intent to establish a community of volunteers that works to actively restore sites by removing invasive plants. The program provides opportunities for the public to participate in ecological restoration. Trained volunteers control and contain […]