Leadership Team
(contact: (lc@npsnm.org)

Slimlobe Globeberry flower (Ibervillea tenuisecta) by Gordon Berman


President: Gordon Berman
Vice-President: Matthew Becker
Treasurer: Mary Steigman
Recording Secretary: Cheryl Beymer
Membership Secretary: John Freyermuth
Director at Large / Chapter Representative to State Board: Joan Woodward

Advisors to the Board of Directors

Sara Fuentes-Soriano
Zachary Rogers

Committee Chairpersons

Conservation: Ken Steigman
Communications: John Freyermuth, Lyn Hoffmann (Facebook)
Hospitality: Jamie Blair
Dripping Springs Garden – Ken Steigman, Interim Chair
Grants: Joan Woodward
Programs: Matthew Becker

Annual Reports

2020 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2019 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2018 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2017 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2016 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2015 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2014 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2013 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2012 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)
2011 Las Cruces Chapter Report (PDF)