Come Walk and Weed at Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve, 8:30 – 11:00 a.m., to view the restoration work to control the invasive, non-native plants in this rare Cienega with Yvonne and Barbara. Yvonne Hickerson is the Institute of Applied Ecology restoration ecologist who superintended the large project to remove listed noxious weeds like Russian olives and teasel. Barbara Fix, the Santa Fe NPSNM Chapter’s conservation chair and volunteer from Leonora’s ‘old days,’ will explain the chapter’s current project to supplement that project with managing non-listed weeds like kochia. We will stop briefly at places where weeds such as teasel and hound’s tongue need attention. If you want to help with a short bit of weeding (it is not obligatory), please bring gloves.
Also of note: Las Golondrinas is hosting an Herb and Lavender festival the same day,
Come Walk and Weed at Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve, 8:30 – 11:00 a.m., to view the restoration work to control the invasive, non-native plants in this rare Cienega with Yvonne and Barbara. Yvonne Hickerson is the Institute of Applied Ecology restoration ecologist who superintended the large project to remove listed noxious weeds like Russian olives and […]