Wednesday, October 12th at 7 P.M. — “Perceptions of Drylands and Rangelands as Wastelands: What it means for natural resource management, land use, and policy responses to climate change” with Dr. Brandon Bestelmeyer

Dr. Brandon Bestelmeyer is the research leader of the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range in Las Cruces, NM. He serves as Director of the Jornada Experimental Range Long-Term Agroecosystem Research program and Co-PI (Co-Principal Investigator) of the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research program at New Mexico State University.

The Jornada research unit links site-based research on ecological processes, innovative livestock production systems, and ecosystem restoration with national and global research on land monitoring and decision support tools. Dr. Bestelmeyer’s personal research focuses on ecosystem tipping points and strategies to promote resilience and restoration in rangeland ecosystems.

More information forthcoming — stay tuned!

2022-10-12 19:00 2022-10-12 20:30 America/Denver Wednesday, October 12th at 7 P.M. — “Perceptions of Drylands and Rangelands as Wastelands: What it means for natural resource management, land use, and policy responses to climate change” with Dr. Brandon Bestelmeyer

Dr. Brandon Bestelmeyer is the research leader of the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range in Las Cruces, NM. He serves as Director of the Jornada Experimental Range Long-Term Agroecosystem Research program and Co-PI (Co-Principal Investigator) of the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research program at New Mexico State University. The Jornada research unit links site-based research on ecological processes, innovative livestock production […]