Welcome to the Albuquerque Chapter

Chapter Events

To see a schedule of our upcoming field trips, enjoyable regardless of your experience with plants, if any, please click the "Field Trips" thumbnail picture above.

Our monthly, educational meetings are currently in person and have returned to the UNM Continuing Education building, 1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque. That is across from the red, Vitalant Blood Center, just north of Indian School, south of I-40.

The presentations are free, open to the public, and there is plenty of parking.  We meet on the first Wednesday of each month (except August and December), open by 6:45 for socializing, book browsing and seat-finding. The scheduled program begins at around 7:00. Questions about meetings or the speakers can be sent to our program coordinator, Sara Keeney, at abq@npsnm.org.

From April through October, we offer a wide variety of field trips, suitable for a range physical ability levels and degrees of plant knowledge. You do not need any botanical expertise to participate, as the trip leaders and others are very happy to share what they know. Learn by observing native plants in their wild habitats! To participate in our outdoor activities, please read our rules for field trips and sign our liability release form beforehand. Download them from this page: Field Trip Documents

We encourage members to get outside with friends  for exercise, sunshine, and native plant appreciation. Our plant lists, available on this page, give hints as to places to go and wildflowers and other plants you may find. Please minimize wear and tear on the terrain and vegetation by staying on the trail and going single file if it is narrow.

If you have a favorite place with interesting plants, feel free to propose a field trip or offer to lead one.

Share your pictures! We invite you to join our members-only Facebook group: Native Plant Soc. of NM, Albuquerque Chapter and post your observations or your invitations to informal hikes in advance for others to join you.


    • President: Tom Stewart
    • Vice President: Carmen Alexander
    • Program Coordinator: Sara Keeney
    • Secretary: Dara Saville
    • Treasurer: Dan Benton
    • Representative to State Board: Dana Loy
    • Membership: Ann-Marie Yaroslaski
    • Newsletter Editor: Diane Stevenson

    Core Volunteers

    • Field Trip Coordinator: Sharon Miles
    • Conservation Issues Coordinator: Pam McBride
    • Books: Lee Regan
    • Communications: Carmen Alexander
    • Publicity:  Needing a volunteer
    • Outreach Coordinator: Carol Conoboy

    Chapter Newsletter

      The Albuquerque chapter newsletter is published quarterly.

      Current issue:

      2024 Summer Issue: July — September

      Previous issues:

      Click here!

      Flower Identification Tools

      Wildflowers of New Mexico (George Miller)

      Southwest Desert Flora

      Southwest Environmental Information Network -- SEINet (best searched using Google with a known plant name, and adding "SEINET" in the search)

      Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness (Russ Kleinman)

      New Mexico Flora Patrick Alexander's Photo Index

      Wildflower Search


      Annual Reports

      • 2021 Chapter Report (PDF)
      • 2020 Chapter Report (PDF)
      • 2019 Chapter Report (PDF)
      • 2018 Chapter Report (PDF)
      • 2017 Chapter Report (PDF)
      • 2016 Chapter Report (PDF)
      • 2015 Chapter Report (PDF)

      Click to download Albuquerque Chapter bylaws and policies in effect.

      Albuquerque Area Plant Lists

      Here are plants you might enjoy seeing on walks in our region, some within Albuquerque city limits. Of course, not all plants will be noticeable or in flower at any given time, depending on season and rainfall.

      Past Zoom Meetings

      Click here to view Zoom meetings from prior Albuquerque and statewide NPSNM meetings!