Welcome to the Taos Chapter

"Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month (usually March through October) in the boardroom at the Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (118 Cruz Alta Rd), 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public. Please join us and bring your friends!

Most of our meetings are videotaped and posted on the YouTube channel of Native Plant Society of NM - Taos Chapter. If you would like to view past recordings, click on this link: NPSNM Taos Chapter YouTube Channel.

Other NPSNM chapters have recorded their educational and entertaining presentations via Zoom, and can be accessed by clicking here! Or browse other chapter pages for coming attractions and a chance to join a live presentation.

Questions? Email us at TaosNPS [at] gmail.com.

Please check our Facebook page for updates!


Co-Presidents: Terry Bumgardner and Bob Pokorney

Secretary: Theresa Taggart

Treasurer: Jan Martenson

Chapter Representative: Terry Bumgardner

Chapter History

Click here to learn the history of the Taos Chapter.

Find us on Facebook