Field Trips and Hike Destinations – 2025

April –

Pine Flats in the Manzanita Mountains to see Pasque Flowers and Dwarf Louseworts (see photos below); several Open Space sites (Golden Open Space, Milne, Otero Canyon, Sabino Canyon, San Antonito) should be suitable destinations, depending on growing conditions.


Photo 1: Pasque Flower [Pulsatilla patens]; Photo 2: Dwarf Louseworts [Pedicularis centranthera]


May –

Auto tour and walk in the Quebradas Backcountry Byway, east of Socorro; shorter field trips in the foothills of Sandia Mountain, east and west sides, as well as local arid drainages such as Mesa Prieta in Petroglyph National Monument and the Strip Mine Trails in Placitas. Cerro de Las Lunas Preserve and the Ojito Wilderness – dates yet to be determined.

In addition to these field trips in May, we hope to have several garden tours, such as the Pollinator Garden at Tingley Beach along the Rio Grande, plus our chapter’s own pollinator garden at Oso Grande Park. We will visit Santa Fe Botanical Garden in mid-month, and closer to home the Sunflower Meadow Community Park in Tijeras.


Trips to higher elevation trails of Sandia Mountain (such as the Snow-Play Area; Ellis Trail, Crest Spur Trail); excursions to places in the Jemez Mountains.

Click here to read about past field trips!