Welcome to the Santa Fe Chapter
The Santa Fe Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico meets in person from September to May. Join us at 6:30 P.M. on the second Tuesday of the month at Christ Lutheran Church, located at 1701 Arroyo Chamiso Rd.
As speakers are scheduled, they will be added to the calendar. Meetings and talks are free and open to all.
We encourage you to email our Chapter President, Sylvan Kaufman, (santafe@npsnm.org), and request that your email address be put on the Santa Fe listserve. We'll keep you updated with new information, sent straight to your inbox!

Santa Fe Ski Basin photo by Gary Johnson
Upcoming Events in Santa Fe
- 08 Apr, 25
- 26 Apr, 25
- 13 May, 25
Chapter Officers
President: Sylvan Kaufman
Treasurer: Sylvan Kaufman and Dawn Janney
Vice President: vacant
Chapter Representative to the State Board: Barbara Fix
Chapter Chairs and Core Volunteers
Membership Chair: Joy Ford
Program Chair: Tom Antonio
Field Trip Chair: Donna Eagles
Publicity: Pam Wolfe
Chapter Bylaws
Header photo: Randal Pair