a short history of the Taos Chapter from the eyes of former Presidents.
Our Chapter was founded by Andy & Sally Wasowski of Texas in March of 1999. The first meeting was held at the Taos Public Library and later moved to San Geronimo Lodge, and now are held in the boardroom of the Kit Carson Electric Cooperative.
Sandra Ross of Kentucky was our first President. During her year, the greatest challenge was “creating the money to establish our chapter.” Sandra also designed the “I Brake For Wildflowers” bumper sticker we still see on cars here in Taos.
Robert Hilton was the next President for 2 years and found that “start-up directions” was his greatest challenge. He also brought in speakers to the meetings and created space in the library for NPS books. Robert also served as Secretary at the State level.
Betsy Robertson followed as President and found that “creating money for the chapter” was her greatest challenge. The first State Conference (2001) was hosted during this time. Her greatest accomplishment was establishing the greenhouse. Betsy also served as treasurer on our Board for many years to follow.
Ann Smith was the next President and created the Gardens in Progress tours with detailed maps to each garden for members of NPS.
Linda Malm of Massachusetts was President for one year and found field trip organization as the greatest challenge. She created formal introductions of speakers at our monthly public meetings.
Kathryn Peel was President hosting our second State Conference (2009) which was a wonderful success. She always put the best foot forward for TaosNPS. Her greatest challenge and greatest accomplishment was being President for FOUR years.
Nora Patterson was President for two years. Her greatest accomplishment was creating a wonderful slate of speakers for our monthly meetings.
Claudia Bianca was the next President for three years. Her greatest accomplishment was the rehab of the greenhouse structure at the Ag Center in Taos, including redesigning the new cover. Her greatest challenge was re-igniting the passion for native plant knowledge in our community. She started the videotaping of monthly meetings which continues today.
Jan Martenson took on the presidency in 2015 and served for the next seven years. Her greatest accomplishment was overseeing the chapter’s hosting of the State Conference in September 2017, held at the SMU campus at Fort Burgwin south of Taos. During her tenure the chapter developed a collaborative agreement with the Taos Land Trust and moved the greenhouse to TLT’s land at Rio Fernando park in December 2019. Her biggest challenge was keeping the chapter alive through the pandemic years. The greenhouse, headed by Kathryn Mayer, played a huge role in maintaining our community outreach then and continues to do so.
Mary Adams was the next president from 2022-2024. Her challenge was creating another successful State Conference held at the Sagebrush Inn and Conference Center in July 2024. Her biggest accomplishment was the republishing of the Chapter’s booklet “Native Gardening in Northern New Mexico” thanks to the invaluable efforts of Terry Bumgardner and the late George Miller who contributed many of the plant photographs. In addition, she invited interesting and informative speakers to our monthly meetings, several of whom attracted our largest crowds ever (40-50.)
As of October 2024 our first co-presidents, Bob Pokorney and Terry Bumgardner, have taken the reins and the adventures of the Taos Chapter continue!