Conservation issues in need of immediate public attention:

Public comments are being accepted through July 5th for the proposed US Bureau of Land Management Conservation and Landscape Health Rule.

Writing as a united front, NPSNM, AZNPS, and CONPS state their support of this rule, but caution that the current proposed measures are not sufficient to conduct successful habitat restoration, especially when the restoration work is carried out by small or non-profit organizations:

“BLM should also not envision that just providing the opportunity for conservation leasing means that the agency has no further responsibility for habitat improvement and restoration itself. With the degraded condition of many of the BLM’s lands – which will only become more apparent once the cumulative impacts to be tallied under 6102.2(d) are assessed – voluntary efforts by non-profits and mandated compensatory mitigation by for-profits will not be enough to fulfill the agency’s new mandate to ensure resilient ecosystems and functioning biological communities.”

Read the full letter here. Follow the link below for more information:,a%20tool,%20not%20a%20requirement.


Past Discussions

Gila National Forest proposes removal of unauthorized cattle from Gila Wilderness for protection of resources: Public Comments accepted through January 9th, 2023. (Read NPSNM’s public comment here.)

As NPSNM is a firm advocate for the protection of lands that native plants and other species rely on, we encourage you to add your voice to this matter. Read this excerpt from the News Release below. The full document includes more information and instructions for mailing and emailing your comments, and can be accessed by clicking here: Forest Service Proposal to Remove Unauthorized Livestock from Gila Wilderness    (Note: this link corrects an earlier document that provided an email address that was defective if copied and pasted.)

“Removal of unauthorized cattle is necessary to protect the habitat of aquatic and terrestrial
wildlife, including federally listed threatened and endangered species,” said Camille Howes, Gila
National Forest Supervisor. “The unauthorized cattle in the Gila Wilderness trample stream
banks and springs, causing erosion and sedimentation. This proposal will help restore the
wilderness character of the Gila Wilderness by removing non-native species and alleviating the
damage caused by over-grazing.”


BLM requests public comments on protection of the greater Chaco Canyon area: Public comments were due by December 10th on Proposal to Protect Greater Chaco Area. (Read NPSNM’s public comment here.)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under Secretary Deb Haaland has proposed withdrawing federal lands in a 10-mile buffer around Chaco Canyon from mineral leasing, principally oil and gas leasing for 20 years. Having suspended leasing activity since last year while the proposal was under study and documents prepared, the Bureau now requests public comments and is holding two in-person public meetings. Please read further details by clicking the link below. Sending substantive comments electronically is easy by clicking the “Participate Now” button they provide.
The Native Plant Society of New Mexico has already written in support of the proposed mineral leasing withdrawal and suggests that it is most effective if you comment as an individual, not on the organization’s behalf. While recognizing that this measure is not  complete protection of the special area, we are in favor of any actions that serve to preserve the habitats of our native plant and animal species as well as ensure that public land management better reflects the sacred sites, stories, and cultural resources in the region.