Calling all young people in search of job and work opportunities in conservation! We have collected a list of programs below, updated as we learn of new positions for you.

Forest Stewards Youth Corps

FSYC is a great way to gain experience in natural resource management fields, leadership development, and professional development. For more information about the FSYC program, go to:

Summer and Fall Crew Leaders: Positions are open in Grants. To apply, complete the online application here. Applications are open until filled.

Institute for Applied Ecology — Southwest

Two positions are open: Ecologist and Conservation Technician, as described below:

IAE SW seeks to hire an Ecologist with a diverse skillset and interests in restoration implementation, conservation planning, research and monitoring, native plant materials development, and rare species recovery. Read more and apply:  IAE-SW-Ecologist_Job_Announcement_Feb_2022.pdf (

And, the IAE Southwest Office is hiring a full-time Conservation Technician for the 2022 field season. The technician will be based out of Santa Fe, NM, and will travel to high elevation sites in the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests. Read more and apply: