Native Plant Society Activity Essentials

Our “Release of Liability” form helps our organization to avoid frivolous lawsuits, yes, but is also a reminder of the hazards and precautions to keep in mind for any outdoor activity. Participants on field trips and other outdoor events need to sign it and give it to an NPSNM trip/activity leader before departure or be in our database as having signed one.* They can also use their phone to take a picture of it, including their signature and date, to show to any future field trip leader.

Download the Release of Liability Form

And don’t forget:

Our “Rules for Field Trips and Activities” are common sense measures to provide the best experience for everyone while also protecting the environment and plants we cherish from unnecessary wear and tear.  Please review them and take them to heart at least once a year.

View or download Native Plant Society Rules for Field Trips and Activities

*Field trip Leaders:

*View the current list of people who have signed the Release of Liability this year: View current signers of the release here.