Gardening with native plants…

. . . implies gardening with the environment rather than despite it. Working with our landscape and climate, with existing resources such as run-off, slope, shade, and knowledge about suitable plants that “want” to grow in the area can result in a garden that pleases the eye and also provides habitat for bees, birds and other beneficial wild things.

Gardening Publications by NPSNM

Native Plant Society members have produced several illustrated, regional plant selection guides.  “Chihuahuan Desert Gardens,” “Southern Rocky Mountain Gardens,” and “Central New Mexico Gardens” have not been reprinted lately, but hard copies may still be available for sale at local chapter meetings.


However, “Central New Mexico Gardens” has been updated for online use or free download, and now features additional plant species, gardening tips and information about pollinators and other plant/insect relationships. Go to it by clicking the cover picture shown to the right:



Native Plants for the Home Landscape in Santa Fe County

This guide was compiled by the Santa Fe Native Plant Project (SNaPP).  SNaPP is a certification and public education program of the Santa Fe Master Gardener Association. Its mission is to promote the use of native plants in the local landscape. Click to access the Guide to Native Plants for the Santa Fe Landscape.   


Looking for more?

Continue here for more literature, links and video presentations about gardening specifically to benefit pollinators and other beneficial wildlife. And watch for the completely new revision of the Northern New Mexico Gardens (Southern Rocky Mountains) guide, soon to come from our Taos chapter.