
The Xerces Society, Santa Fe office, produced this guide to the use of pollinator plants for the Albuquerque and Santa Fe region:

Recommended Pollinator Plants for New Mexico. From the Los Lunas Agricultural Research Center, tables with growing information on lots of native plants that support pollinators. Download

Creating a Habitat for Hummingbirds - from the National Audubon Society

Yuma Skipper Butterfly


Native Bees with Olivia Carril (Taos Chapter Presentation) - Watch

Save a Place for Wildlife with George Miller (Taos Chapter Presentation) - Watch 

Gardening for Catepillars with Steve Cary (Taos Chapter Presentation) - Watch

Wild Medicinal Plants of Northern New Mexico with Rob Hawley (Taos Chapter Presentation) - Watch

Identifying and Attracting Beneficial Insects to your Garden with Linda Weiner (Taos Chapter Presentation) - Watch