Welcome to the Otero (Alamogordo) Chapter
Visit our Chapter Linktree for everything Otero NPS-related! From there, you can find events, contact us through a contact form, find useful native plant resources, become an NPSNM member, and more! Event information is available by the beginning of each month. Nonmembers are always welcome to attend.
We need volunteers to help at our annual plant sale, April 11 to 13. This includes finding the sale location, ordering plants, making and distributing flyers, emailing the chapter, posting to social media, and running the booth. Please get in touch with us through Linktree.
We need volunteers to lead field trips any time on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. For workshop and field trip details, contact:
- Elva Österreich, echoofthedesert@gmail.com; (575) 443-4408
- Russell Davis, oteronps@gmail.com
Chapter Officers
President: Russell Davis
Vice President: Elva Österreich
Treasurer: Karen LeComte
Recording Secretary: Kerry Coleman
Membership Secretary: Cathy McCloskey
State Representative: Laurel Berry
Annual Reports
Banner Photo by Russell Davis
Upcoming Events in Otero (Alamogordo)
- 11 Apr, 25