Welcome to the Statewide Organization Page

The blue text is a link; click it to go to that page.

We have seven chapters that offer various activities, such as educational programs, field trips, plant sales, participation in local events such as Earth Day, workshops, and seasonal get-togethers. Some chapters offer hybrid programs, and you can request a Zoom link from the chapter.

Upcoming events are on our Events Calendar or contact your nearest chapter. Past programs with a statewide or regional appeal are available through our Presentations Database.

Each chapter has officers, manages its finances, and selects projects according to local members' special talents, knowledge, and interests. For more information, check out their pages:

  • Albuquerque, covering the Middle Rio Grande Basin.
  • El Paso(Texas) for El Paso-Juarez, far west Texas. and adjacent New Mexico.
  • Gila(Silver City) is centered in Silver City and includes the mountains and Chihuahuan Desert regions in the southwestern part of the state.
  • Las Cruces, for the Chihuahuan Desert region of the southcentral part of the state.
  • Otero(Alamogordo) is centered in Alamogordo, including the state's southcentral portion.
  • Santa Fe covers the plains and southern Rocky Mountains of the northcentral and northeastern portions of the state.
  • Taos includes the Rocky Mountains and Upper Rio Grande Basin of the northcentral portion of the state.

An annual state conference is hosted by one of our chapters on a rotational basis. The 2025 conference will be held on October 2 – 5, hosted by our Las Cruces Chapter.  Watch for details on our website.

State Administration

Board of Directors and Staff

Bylaws of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico
NPSNM Policies
Board Meeting Minutes
NPSNM Field Trip Rules updated August 2015
Once a year, download a copy of our release of liability form and sign it before participating in any of our outdoor activities (present it or a photocopy on your smartphone, showing your signature, to the NPSNM event leader).
NPSNM Release from Liability—Individual updated July, 2021
NPSNM Release from Liability—Group updated August 2015

NPSNM Board Members (and a Taos guest) at the winter 2025 meeting. Two meetings are held each year, one in January at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge and the second before the annual statewide conference.